Please Remember To Wash Your Hands <3

Hey, you just used the bathroom, but you didn’t wash your hands. Can you please wash your hands? Hand washing is very important for your health and the health of those around you. You really should wash your hands often, you know? Germ are real! Real talk, like you can get really sick or possibly get someone else sick if you don’t wash your hands regularly. There are some nasty germs out there that can cause all types of health issues. So, please remember to wash your hand often.

I think we all remember the pandemic of 2020. A lot of people got sick or worse died during that pandemic. It was horrible, everything was shut down or locked up for health reasons. People had to wear masks and were quarantined to their homes. But what was the biggest thing the CDC said that we could do to prevent the spread of corona virus? Hand washing! I remember the news consistently saying wash your hands regularly. Wash your hands every time you went out or went inside someplace. Hand washing so very important in the fight to end COVID-19. But after the pandemic people stop washing their hands. Maybe people forget, so I’m here to remind you to please wash your hands.

Washing your hand removes the layer of of dirt that is acquired during the day. When you wash your hand, please use soap, not just water. Soap is the key item that releases the grime from your hands. Soap and water and just rub your hands together like they do in those rapper videos. You should wash your hands for at least half a minute/ 30 seconds. That all it takes, but if you want a thorough clean you can wash your hands for as long as you like until you feel they are clean. Washing your hands is simple, but it’s so simple some people might forget. Wash your hands not just for your health but everyone around you.

I just wanted to encourage you guys and gals to wash your hands. It’s so simple and easy you should have no problem just walking to the sink and taking thirty second to clean your hands. Take pride in the fact that your money maybe dirty but your hands are clean. Enjoy a nice trip to the bathroom to you know (goofy off). You can use it as an escape strategy, ” hold that thought I have to wash my hands.” Any reason you can think of as long as you wash your hand is a good reason. Hope you nice folks remember to wash your damn hands(^…^)





6 responses to “Please Remember To Wash Your Hands <3”

  1. Wayne Gillespie Avatar

    I am concerned about the air dryers that are popping up everywhere.

    Restrooms are filled with airborne unmentionables. When air is drawn from the restroom’s air, germs and other unmentionables are blown onto your freshly washed hands.


    1. Ian Smith Avatar

      I agree, they got rid of them during the pandemic and paper towels are said to be bad for the environment. What’cha gonna do right?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wayne Gillespie Avatar

        At least they got rid of the cloth rollers that were popular when I was a kid (I’m officially an old f@rt). It’s amazing that humanity wasn’t driven to extinction. 🤣


      2. Ian Smith Avatar

        Oh my, I never knew something like that existed 😳

        Liked by 1 person

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